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How to Find Folder by Name in Linux

You may often need to locate specific directories for various purposes, such as finding configuration, identifying folders containing backup data, or searching for project-related directories. One of the most efficient ways to find a directory by name is using the find command.

In this short article, I will demonstrate how to search folders by name in Linux using an example. Let's find all directories with the name "user" in the /etc/ directory:

sudo find /etc/ -type d -name "user"

Let's break down the command and understand how it works:

  • sudo: In this case, the command includes sudo to grant administrative privileges.
  • /etc/: This is the starting directory for the search, in this case, it's the /etc/ directory.
  • -type d: This flag specifies that we are searching for directories (d stands for directory).
  • -name "user": This flag specifies that we are searching for items named "user". Note, that the search is case-sensitive, so it will only return exact matches.

Upon execution, this command will traverse the /etc/ directory and its subdirectories, searching for directories with the name "user" and then display the full path of each matching directory.

If you can't recall the exact name of a folder, you can use a wildcard pattern to find all directories whose names contain a specific word. For instance, use the following command will find directories whose names include "config":

sudo find /etc/ -type d -name "*config"

For more information on searching directories or files, refer to this article.

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