Website is a site about open-source software. Those programs are distributed for free and can be changed, reworked, or improved. The articles on Losst should be distributed free too. So that users can copy them and use in their works. I use Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 license for most of the articles on this website.
Here are main requirements of this license:
- Attribution - you have to retain the copyright of the article. Insert a link to the source article, where your readers can find information about the author and license. Also, you have to indicate the license under which the material is distributed;
- ShareAlike - if you modify the article, it has to be distributed under the same license. Also, you may not prevent other users from doing anything that is permitted by the license.
So if you want to use the article in your work, it will be enough if you add a link to the original article and the license information. For example:
- Source:
- License: CC-BY-SA
This is enough to comply with the terms of the license. Thus, more users will learn about Linux and possibly find what they needed to work on their system.
You can read the full text of the license at the official site.