How to Mount Windows Share in Linux

In the Windows operating system, there is a feature called file sharing. On one computer, you can set up windows-shared folder that will be accessible to all computers on the local network. This is done using the SMB protocol, which has several versions. In Linux, … Read more

How to Install Linux with Windows for Dualboot

Maybe you have already read a lot of articles on the Internet and are interested in the open-source operating system that is called Linux. Maybe you even have installed it on VirtualBox or run in Live mode and learned how it looks and works. But … Read more

How to Mount Ext4 in Windows 10/11

If you want to use Windows in dual booting with Linux, sometimes you will need to copy files from one operating system to another. There are no problems with opening Windows partitions on Linux because it has excellent support for the NTFS file system. But … Read more