How to Change Keyboard Layout Using Alt+Shift in Linux

In KDE, there is no issue configuring the hotkey you want to use for input switching. However, on the GNOME desktop, it is more complex. There the default keyboard shortcuts for switching layouts are Super+Space and Shift+Super+Space. The first switches to the next layout, and … Read more

How to Copy File and Rename in Linux

Sometimes you may need to copy files from one location to another while also renaming them. This can be useful for various reasons, such as creating a backup, duplicating a configuration file for editing, or generating a new version of a file with a different … Read more

How to Mount SMB Share on Linux or Windows

In the previous article, I explained how to mount a Windows shared folder in Linux. There were certain issues due to the fact that Microsoft uses the WS-Discovery protocol, and Linux still poorly supports this protocol. However, if you need to mount a Samba shared … Read more

How to Find Files with Extension in Linux

As a Linux user, you might need to locate files with specific extensions for various reasons, such as managing configurations, troubleshooting, or scripting. For example, finding .ini files can help you manage settings for multiple applications. You can do it using the find command. In … Read more

How to Mount Windows Share in Linux

In the Windows operating system, there is a feature called file sharing. On one computer, you can set up windows-shared folder that will be accessible to all computers on the local network. This is done using the SMB protocol, which has several versions. In Linux, … Read more

How to Open Looking Glass in GNOME

Most browsers come equipped with developer tools that enable the inspection of page elements and execution of JavaScript code live on the page itself. Interestingly, parts of the GNOME desktop environment are also written in JavaScript, including the GNOME Shell and its extensions. Thus, there … Read more

How to Restart Service in Linux

You can use the restart command to restart Systemd services. This command stops the service and then starts it back. Or it just starts the service if it is not running. For example, you can restart the Nginx web server using this command: If everything … Read more

How to Copy Hidden Files in Linux

Sometimes, you might need to copy hidden files or folders from one location to another. In Linux, hidden files are characterized by a period (.) as the first character of their name. A common example would be copying a user’s home directory or a directory … Read more

How to Find Folder by Name in Linux

You may often need to locate specific directories for various purposes, such as finding configuration, identifying folders containing backup data, or searching for project-related directories. One of the most efficient ways to find a directory by name is using the find command. In this short … Read more